Sunday, July 17, 2016

Bram Stoker's Notes for Dracula, A Facsimile Edition

This is a rather fabulous resource, so do take a look. It's a compilation of Stoker's own handwritten notes on the plot, as well as his research notes, among other resources, from the collections of the Rosenbach Museum & Library in Philadelphia.

It's especially great for those interested in primary source texts, and gives you a sense of the text as a physical artifact with its own material history. Fascinating stuff.

Full PDF text at the link below, free to download (Google searching will also yield the PDF from other websites):

Image Source:

Kate Beaton's Dracula

Kate Beaton's "Hark! A Vagrant" is one of the most delightful things the internet has ever had to offer. Behold her own immortal take on Dracula:

"Here we have Bram Stoker's Dracula, a book written to tell ladies that if you're not a submissive waif, society goes to hell and ungodly monsters are going to turn you into child killing horrors and someone is going to drive a bowie knife through your heart/cut off your head/etc. As you deserve! Thanks Bram! I wrote it down so as to remember it."

Thw full comic is at the link below: